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The Charlie's Angels TV series was in the 1970s.
One of the "angels" was Jaclyn Smith, who has also been in many other TV and movie dramas.
In 1999, we were parked with our motorhome at Porteau Cove. At the far end of the campsite, filming was going on. In his daily walk, Fred chanced on this group, and being curious, he asked about it. They explained that a film was being shot about the story of an old fisherman, and Jaclyn Smith was the featured star. A mock wedding was in progress between Jaclyn and the fisherman. With boldness, Fred asked if he could talk with Jaclyn. And he did! With a chuckle, he told Jaclyn that he was a preacher and could perform a REAL wedding. Fred learned that Jaclyn's grandfather had been a Methodist minister for years. He mentioned something about my encounter with polio (Jaclyn works with physically-handicapped children's organizations), and she said she would like to meet me, too. He came back to the motorhome to tell about talking with her, and I said, "Give her a copy of my book." So he took the
GOLD IN LIFE'S HOURGLASS book back to her, which she accepted graciously. He told her that it would be impossible to take the wheelchair down the long length of bumpy road to meet her. I was disappointed to think that I would not talk with her also.
Time went by, and I laid down for a rest. The first thing I knew, a big van pulled up - one of the filming crew's drivers was there to take me to meet Jaclyn! Wow! Well, I was a horrid mess! My hair was unruly; my camping clothes, old and shabby. But I had to leave at that moment, regardless, because the driver was in a hurry. He lifted me into the van, plus my wheelchair. When we got to the site, the filming crew, as well as Jaclyn, had already moved to the next location - several miles down the road. My driver had to take the rest of the crew there, so I was left on the side of the road in my wheelchair to await further transportation. Finally, another van arrived, and again I was lifted in, and off we went. The filming site was on a precipitous hillside, but they finally found a level spot for the wheelchair. The former campgrounds were set up for the film: old buildings were remade into a rickety old hotel; a little church; plus a saloon, store, etc.
And yes, finally Jaclyn came over to speak with me. Before meeting her, I mused as to how I would interact with a TV celebrity. I decided a neutral course was the best for me, because I really couldn't exclaim too much about her acting when I had hardly ever seen her on TV. So we chatted about family, her work with the disabled, etc. When I drew the attention of Jaclyn and her assistant to my wonderful care-giver, my husband Fred - for the fifty plus years I've had polio, they were impressed with such unwavering devotion. (Jaclyn is now with her third husband, as I found out on the Internet when I got home and looked up her bio.)
In the course of our conversation, I mentioned something about how great clothing is nowadays for travelling - just roll up the T-shirts - and there is no need to iron them. K-Mart stores promote Jaclyn Smith's line of clothing. (However, K-Marts in Canada have sold out to Zellers by now.) "When I get home," Jaclyn said, "I will send you some of my line of clothing. I think you will find it to be very suitable for your disability. However, it will be a month or so until I get back to Los Angeles." I was skeptical. I mused: this lady must have thousands of people to interact with, work schedules, etc. Why should she bother with an older lady in Canada who isn't even a fan of hers?
A month following our meeting, a Federal Express van pulled up at our condo. A big parcel of clothing had arrived from Los Angeles. Yes - from Jaclyn Smith! There were three beautiful outfits: patterned and fancy tops with matching plain-coloured slacks. Wow! And this is the note she enclosed with the clothing:
"Dear Viola: It was wonderful meeting you and your adorable husband. I just got home and can now read your book. Thank you for giving it to me. I hope you like these clothes from my line. I know you will look beautiful in them. A big hello to your sweet husband. Much love, Jaclyn."
NOTE: Of particular note in this write-up is the profound admiration Jaclyn Smith had for my caregiver, Fred. She said that I was fortunate to have had my spouse stay faithfully with me all these years because she knew of many instances where families split up when one has a disability. Jaclyn was very impressed with Fred and his loving care for me. By the way, I am, too!
 Fred gives Jaclyn a hug |
 Jaclyn's chair on
film location. |
 Viola and Jacklyn |
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